Grass Seed Sowing Service

Direct Reseeding
Using this method, we can seed fields that are exhausted and less productive than in previous years. The technique using the machine is ideal for getting land topped up with new seed without having any downtime. Therefore a field can be grazed or cut within 6 weeks leaving this a quick, easy and cost effective way of reseeding your land.
There are mixtures available that suit this process more so than your normal standard mixtures which in turn will increase the success of this process and ensure optimum performance.
Sowing of Grass Seed
Fields that have been ploughed and made ready can be sowed by us using our grass seeding machine. This service is completed accurately ensuring the even dispersal of seed with also preventing seed being lost or wasted. The machine is electronically set therefore selecting the kilograms per acre on board inside the cab of the tractor.