Sinclair McGill Scotsward 20kg
Medium to long term cutting mixture.
A later heading mixture capable of producing high ME silage.
Particularly well adapted to the harsher climate of Scotland & Northern Ireland.
Scotsward® will provide 2 or more cuts of high quality silage plus aftermath grazing.
Timothy inclusion enables Scotsward® to stand up to the mower.
White Clover contributes to quality aftermath grazing.
Treated with HEADSTART® GOLD for improved establishment
UseMainly Cutting & Hay and Haylage
AnimalMost Livestock
Length of useMedium (4 – 7 Years)
Available with CloverWhite Clover
Suggested seed rate: 13-16 kg/acre
(32-40 kg/ha)
Guide cutting height: 7.5cm (3 inches)