Animac Super Calf Jacket Waterproof 28″ Large

24.15 + VAT

Produced to keep your newborn calves warm and dry.
AniMac Calf Jackets support crucial weight gain, promote healthy immune systems and significant savings on feed & medication.
Purposefully designed using advanced materials to create a waterproof, yet breathable calf jacket.
The snug-fitting design ensures your calf remains warm and dry to support weight gain in those crucial first weeks.
Also suitable for sheep, goats, alpaca and dogs.
  • Waterproof and Breathable Calf Jacket (3000/3000)
  • Anti-Bacterial Lining promotes healthy immune system
  • 200gm Polyfill keeps calf warm and comfortable
  • Adjustable belly and leg straps keeping clear of navel, with easy to use plastic clip
  • Safely machine washable at 40C

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Animac Super Calf Jacket Waterproof 28″ Large

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