Dycoxan 1Ltr

118.30 + VAT

Prevents coccidiosis symptoms, further gut damage and stops shedding
Use across full groups, one week in advance of expected symptoms based on farm history
Zero meat withdrawal
Allows the animal to develop natural immunity
Automatic-drencher compatible

In lambs: Prevention of clinical signs of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria crandallis and Eimeria ovinoidalis sensitive to diclazuril. In calves: Prevention of clinical signs of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria bovis and Eimeria zuernii sensitive to diclazuril. It is recommended to treat all lambs of the flock and all calves in a pen, one week before symptoms are expected based on history. This will contribute to reduce the infection pressure and assure a better epidemiological control of the coccidiosis infection. Clinical coccidiosis generally occurs late in the parasite’s life cycle after most of the damage to the calf’s intestine has already been done. This severely damaged intestine can easily be infected by secondary bacteria and/or other agents. In cases of acute clinical coccidiosis treated with the product, fluid therapy is essential. Under conditions of high infection pressure, a second treatment may be indicated about 3 weeks after the first dosing. Product should be administered orally with a suitably calibrated drenching gun. Dose rates: Lambs: 1ml/2.5kg Calves: 4ml/10kg Meat Withdrawal Period: Zero days Avoid underdosing, which may be due to underestimation of body weight, misadministration of the product, or lack of calibration of the dosing device (if any).
Milk Withdrawal Period: Not permitted for use in lactating animals producing milk for human consumption.


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Dycoxan 1Ltr

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